Research Resources

Investors are always looking for ways to evaluate the potential of a startup before making a substantial investment, which is a challenging task for a company with little to no history. Instead, investors rely on independent research. Each type of research has its strengths and can be beneficial in different situations. Corporate research can lead to new technologies and products that drive economic growth, while university research expands the boundaries of human knowledge and often leads to unexpected breakthroughs and applications.

Understanding Research Bias

Market research plays a crucial role in guiding business decisions, product development, and marketing strategies. However, the presence of bias in various stages of the research process can distort results, leading to inaccurate insights and potentially detrimental outcomes. This thesis examines the types, causes, and consequences of bias in market research, and proposes strategies to mitigate its influence and enhance the validity of research findings. Here are some common forms of bias to keep in mind when consuming research.